The Gorbals from Glasgow Green
Breaking News
Breaking news: a baby’s born!
In fire and flood, earthquake and storm,
a still, small cry: a babe is born.
Breaking news: four horsemen ride
—sickness, famine, death and war—
and stronger than all, a babe is born.
Breaking news: a dying earth.
Be still, be brave, my breaking heart,
and always warm: a baby’s born.
Now fear itself is overthrown,
oh weary soul be not careworn—
your Self, itself a babe, is born.
Stay Strong in Sorrow, Sisters
6 November 2024
Now is the time to rise, not turn away
and tend our wounds but know that in defeat
we learn our lessons, find our fight.
While victors self-congratulate and crow,
we welcome that from which they hide:
the future flows in with its sea-change
and tyrants least of all can slow its tide.
Stay strong in sorrow, sisters,
our hearts with fire filled;
now is the time to work
and dig foundations: build!
Bless those of us mixed of gender,
trans, non-binary, neutral, fluid,
genderqueer and two-spirit:
living proof that we’re not only
man or woman, cock and bull
or cow and hen – but we are more
than procreation: we are human.
Bless those of us mixed of blood,
living proof that we’re not only
black or white or brown or olive
but all the colours in the sun,
Arab, Jew and Caucasian,
Slav and African and Asian,
each one of us is pure, is human.
Bless those of us mixed of mind
whose voices take us to the edge.
They are myself, yet also not:
me or not-me, how to tell?
They take you all the way to hell
where – even there – can be salvation
and the rising of the human.
Bless those of us neuro-diverse,
Down, Autistic, ADHD,
all who shun normality,
teaching vulnerability,
the superpower of the heart,
embodying the truly human.
Bless also the open-minded,
who seek but do not own the truth,
discriminate but do not judge,
who take a stand while being moved,
receive the wisdom of religion
and of science, and tradition,
while knowing truth is still unfolding;
we are learning and evolving,
slowly all becoming human.
I woke
I woke with your sun on my face,
Your fire in my heart, your life in my hands,
And found I can know what it’s like to be you.
When you suffer, I feel you hurting,
When you tire I walk in your shoes,
When you rise your joy increases my own,
And I find I am freed from the cage of my self.
I was lost, I was bound,
Alone, I was broke,
I was sleeping but now
I am woke.
A Curse
on ending a friendship by messaging
Double, double, email trouble
texts seethe and whatsapps bubble.
Round the cauldron there she goes,
in the poison'd message throws,
current cliches, unthought thoughts
she chucks in the toxic pot.
Truth is twisting like a snake
resentment in the cauldron bakes
gall of goat and jaundiced eye
misunderstandings multiply
high-horse’s hoof and adder’s tongue
crabbéd hate in one still young.
Slick-sliding words that sting and bite
the lizard brain spews plenty shite.
For a charm to lose your friends
This hell-broth will speed the end.
Double, double, email trouble
texts seethe and whatsapps bubble.
Coda, after Blake
I was angry with my friend;
I told my wrath, my wrath did end.
I was angry with my friend;
I Whatsapped it, friendship did end.
Rest in peace, our friendship
Rest in peace, our friendship; go in peace, my friend.
Take with you my affection, my delight
in the creations of your hands, your mind,
and songs springing from your vibrant heart.
But take back trust and my respect, for in the storm
of your rejection these precious things were wrecked.
I’ll keep memories, indestructible
in my heart, of the times when you were generous
self-reflective, truthful, kind.
Just Do It
I have been trying
to get out of my head
and into my heart.
‘Invite your mind,’
my mentor said,
‘into your heart.’
The trouble with trying:
the hour comes
when you forget,
slip back in your head,
turn cool and hard,
disconnect, defend,
leave trails of hurt,
wounded partner,
damaged friends.
So I’ve stopped trying
to connect with feelings:
I just have to start.
I can do it, just do it
wake up and step
straight into the heart.